The Jorungand series is based around a young arms dealer, Koko Hekmatyar, who sells weapons through HCLI, a shipping company that conducts secret weapons sales all over the world. Koko is one of the company’s unofficial dealers and she spends her time dealing in weapons around the world while avoiding detection by local officials and she also has to stay out of the way of law enforcement agencies as most international laws prohibit the trading of arms. She is protected by a team of bodyguards mostly consisting of veterans of military conflicts. Her protection crew consists of a number of guards of different ages, and the latest addition to the crew is Jonah, a child soldier who apparently has no emotion but is highly skilled in combat. His employment is somewhat ironic because he hates arms dealers. The story follows the adventures of the group as they travel around the world.
Looking at the cast in more detail we find that Koko is the daughter of Floyd Hekmatyar, who own a global shipping business. Koko heads up the European and African Logistics Division for HCLI. She has a very pale look with pale white skin and long silvery hair, but is considered to be physically attractive. Her eyes are deep blue and she always has a smile on her face, even in the face of adversity. She has a dominant charismatic personality that has secured her success in business as well as instilling a fierce loyalty in her colleagues and subordinates. Her outward behaviour is often bubbly and childish, but this conceals a ruthless interior and she is even regarded as a monster by some. She claims that her role is to sell arms in aid of world peace, but she conceals an ulterior motive.
Jonathan Mar is a child soldier with a complicated past. He was orphaned and went to join the mountain infantry. When his friend Marka was killed he took destroyed the base to avenge her death and to try and protect other children. When he found out that the base was earmarked for destruction anyway for Kasper Hekmatyar to build a road. Kasper is Koko’s brother and he made a deal with Jonah to protect the other three orphans by sending them to a safe haven in Japan, but in return Jonah must take a place with Koko’s bodyguards protecting Kasper’s sister. While he continues to hate the arms dealing trade, he does develop a soft spot for Koko despite her making him feel that he is being taken advantage of.
Arriving on TV screens in October 2012, the series currently has 12 episodes to watch. You can watch your favourite episodes time and again on, the website for all of your anime favourites. You can watch the episodes on any mobile device that supports streaming video, which include iPods, iPads, the Samsung Galaxy S3, and the Nexus 7. For the times when you are out of wifi, 3G or 4G range then you can download episodes for viewing offline.