If you prefer dedicated hosting, you have server for your own use. However, this needs proper maintenance and management by you or someone hired by you. This is time to consider managed or unmanaged server hosting. With managed hosting, the service provider takes due care of your physical server and the software installed on it including updates, implementing security and even fixing the broken hardware peripherals.
On the other hand, people on the unmanaged hosting are fully responsible for everything relating to their machine. The hosting provider typically maintains the computer but the account holder will be responsible for installing and managing software, protecting it with hacking attempts and other responsibilities related for managing a dedicated web server.
Pros and cons of managed and unmanaged hosting
However, there are pros and cons of both options in WordPress web hosting. In managed hosting, the webmasters don’t need to have any technical knowledge associated with account except they already know adding domains, setting up mail accounts and uploading files via FTP. However this is quite expensive and the hosting provider may limit the installed software on the machine.
In unmanaged hosting, the company is completely hands off. However, the webmasters are free to do anything what they need, without bothering of provider’s term of service and acceptable use policy.