Noah Gundersen - Jesus Jesus I think the Psalms or the Job story...
Noah Gundersen - Jesus Jesus I think the Psalms or the Job story are a lot about what we can and cannot say to God. And when we read them, we find we can indeed say a lot.
View Article"I see no good reason why gays and lesbians should be excluded from military...
“I see no good reason why gays and lesbians should be excluded from military service; as a pacifist I do not see why anyone should serve. Moreover, I think it a wonderful thing that some people are...
View Article"Growing up the son of a son of a Kentucky tobacco farmer and a former flower...
“Growing up the son of a son of a Kentucky tobacco farmer and a former flower child mother who refused to set foot in an airplane or roller coaster, our family vacations were mostly spent hiking the...
View Article"I feel like anytime I get the opportunity to give the Lord some praise, he...
“I feel like anytime I get the opportunity to give the Lord some praise, he is due for it.” - Tim Tebow, in response to Jake Plummer As a Florida State alumni, I’ve had my beef with Tim Tebow. And...
View ArticleThis semester has been a spiritual journey for me. I’m...
This semester has been a spiritual journey for me. I’m sure when I’m not in the middle of an on-line exam I can expound on that later. However, a very large part of this journey has been falling in...
View Article"pain expressed and heard turns to energy, pain not heard and not expressed...
“pain expressed and heard turns to energy, pain not heard and not expressed turns to violence. vulnerability is the door to transformation and emancipation. it is a false revival if our pains are not...
View Articlewhoever runs these early leaders of the Stone-Campbell Movement...
whoever runs these early leaders of the Stone-Campbell Movement (the faith tradition I grew up in) twitter accounts is hilarious. while most are not representative of the historical people themselves...
View Article"A church that feels that Christ has no quarrel with Caesar as long as he is...
“A church that feels that Christ has no quarrel with Caesar as long as he is democratically elected, may have trouble understanding the subversiveness of stories like the conversion of Cornelius, or...
View Article"God alone is God. God who is love, light and life, creates, precedes,...
“God alone is God. God who is love, light and life, creates, precedes, enables, sustains all. There is a God. It is neither me, nor my culture, state, science, sports, sex, success, security, or...
View ArticleViv Grigg, author and director of the Urban Leadership...
Viv Grigg, author and director of the Urban Leadership Foundation talks about economic discipleship and cooperative economics.
View Article"[In the wake of Pentacost] They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching...
“[In the wake of Pentacost] They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being...
View ArticleJesus Responds to Rick Perry’s “Strong” Ad...
Jesus Responds to Rick Perry’s “Strong” Ad from DC Pierson
View Article"As Christians who live in a wealthy and powerful nation, we must remember...
“As Christians who live in a wealthy and powerful nation, we must remember that God is still testing his people. Will we use our wealth and power toward the goal of social justice as it serves the...
View Article"God knows, however, that our daily dreams are saturated with another,...
“God knows, however, that our daily dreams are saturated with another, larger, and American dream. God knows we are tempted to worship at culture’s alter. These are the reasons why God longs to reform...
View ArticleConfessions of a First Semester Theology Student:
Our house church works on a four week rotation. One week of family dinner, two weeks of Bible study, and one week of going out and serving. Tonight was a night of serving, as usual we bought a crap-ton...
View Article"The Christian rhetoric of modesty, rather than offering believers an...
“The Christian rhetoric of modesty, rather than offering believers an alternative to the sexual objectification of women, often continues the objectification, just in a different form.” -...
View ArticleDeveloping a Theology of Ministry from Roman 8.18-25
Developing a Theology of Ministry from Roman 8.18-25: I’ve done this in the past and had enough interest that I’ll try it again. I’ve uploaded my term paper for my Theology of Ministry class to Google...
View ArticleA Season of Lament in the Season of Advent
I love Christmas. Say what you want about consumerism, I love doing nice things for the people. I love coming up with something that hopefully puts a smile on their face. It’s fun. I love my family and...
View ArticleOne my professor’s at Lipscomb University’s Hazelip School of Theology made...
One my professor’s at Lipscomb University’s Hazelip School of Theology made #4 on Relevant Magazine’s Top 10 Books of 2011.
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